Our programmes are specifically designed with the express purpose of providing learning platforms with special emphasis on attitude and skills development. For this, we use the KASH approach – Knowledge, Attitude, Skill, Habit – and all four must be present to develop competencies. It’s important to build on the capabilities you have. We provide face-to-face training as well as online courses. All sessions are practical, challenging, content-rich, relevant, highly interactive and fun. We openly accept that people will make mistakes for through that we learn. But if you want the theory, read the books or Google the information.
All our programmes have 12 to 16 weeks follow-up which is important in cementing the knowledge and skills learned. Why? Because without recall, learners will forget 64% in 9 hours, 75% in 7 days and 90% in 6 weeks! (Ebbinghaus “Forgetting Curve”).
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